How Does Massage Therapy Work?

HomeAdvanced Chiropractic Center BlogHow Does Massage Therapy Work?

Everyone knows that a massage can be the most relaxing part of your day, but have you ever wondered why? Here at Advanced Chiropractic Center, we offer massage therapy as one of our healing experiences. Here’s just a little bit about how it works, so you can understand what you’re going into.

How Does Massage Therapy Work?

  • Manipulating tissues and kneading muscles: This doesn’t sound too appealing, but massage therapy actually uses these methods to release muscle tension and improve the mobility of stressed joints and muscles. It may seem a bit painful at first, but the peace and relaxation will come as soon as the knots are worked out.
  • Precise pressure: Massage therapy also involves precise amounts of pressure to increase blood flow. This increase in circulation can help relieve pain from injuries, reduce swelling, and help you heal faster. Improving your circulation can also help reduce fatigue.
  • Calm the nervous system: Massage therapy also relies heavily on the nervous system. As your massage therapist applies gentle or deep amounts of pressure, they are working to calm your nervous system, which helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation for the whole body. This level of relaxation could be just what you need to get a better night of sleep that can allow for further healing of your body.

There really is a sort of science behind massage therapy, and we work hard to get it just right to help you with your healing process. You can give us a call if you would like to learn more.