Neck pain isn’t that uncommon. Typically, neck pain affects one in three people at least once a year. Unfortunately, you might be one of those “one in three people” sooner rather than later. The likelihood of neck pain can also increase by doing certain activities or movements. If you’re beginning to experience pain in your neck, you should check to see if you are doing one of these things that might be the cause of your pain.
- Poor posture: If you’re constantly exhibiting poor posture, the muscles in your back and neck are going to have to work harder. This can lead to inflammation in your neck, which can be the cause of the pain you’re experiencing.
- Working at a computer: Though this could be attributed to poor posture, your posture isn’t the only factor that can affect your neck when working at a computer. If your computer is at an angle, your neck will constantly have to twist to give you a full view. You also might be straining your neck forward to see your computer better, and that can irritate your neck over time.
- Bad sleeping position: Heavy sleepers might not move as much during the night. So, if you’re a heavy sleeper and you’ve settled yourself in a weird position, your neck will be stuck at that angle until you wake up or shift around. Use your pillow to better support your head to help prevent pain.
You can also contact us at Advanced Chiropractic Center for more information and help with neck pain.