3 Benefits of Massage Therapy

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Although many people assume that a chiropractic team only offers spinal and extremity adjustments, here at Advanced Chiropractic Center, we offer a wider range of services than that. One of our most popular services, in fact, is massage therapy. Another common belief is that massage therapy is something you indulge in at a spa, but in reality, massage can offer many real medical benefits. In this article, we’ll be going over some of those benefits to help you decide if this therapy is right for you.

3 Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Improves Circulation- One benefit of massage therapy is that it improves your body’s circulation. Massaging your muscles and tendons increases the flow of blood to those areas, which in turn provides important benefits to both the area in question–such as alleviating pain from an injury–and to the body as a whole, such as reducing fatigue.
  • Improves Flexibility- Another thing that massage therapy offers is improved flexibility. Many people find the beginning stages of a massage to be minimally uncomfortable due to knots of tension in their muscles–as the therapist applies pressure to those areas, it can create a sensation of some discomfort, but this generally fades as those stiff, tight muscle fibers begin to loosen and relax. Too much tension in your muscles can actually limit your body’s flexibility and range of motion, so relaxing that tension is an important step in regaining that mobility. In fact, one of the reasons we offer massage therapy here at Advanced Chiropractic is that it helps restore range of motion and joint functionality.
  • Improves Sleep- The third benefit of massage therapy that we will cover here is that it has been shown to reduce stress and promote better-quality sleep. Every day, more and more evidence accumulates about the importance of sufficient high-quality sleep in overall health, so taking steps to get more and better rest is always a good idea. In particular, the better sleep you’ll get following a massage will provide immediate benefits in the form of increased energy and reduced fatigue.